September 23rd is National Fall Prevention Awareness Day!
Falls aren’t just a normal part of getting older—they’re preventable and there are simple steps you can take to stay independent longer.
Speak Up. Talk openly with your doctor about fall risks and prevention. Tell your doctor right away if you have fallen, or if you’re afraid you might fall, or if you feel unsteady. Work together and review all of your medications and discuss any side effects like feeling dizzy or sleepy. See if taking vitamin D supplements for improved bone, muscle, and nerve health is right for you.
Keep Moving. Activities that strengthen your legs and help your balance (like Tai Chi, brisk walks or physical therapy) can help you prevent falls.
Check Your Eyes. Have your vision checked once a year and update your glasses as needed.
Make Your Home Safe. Most falls happen at home! Keep your floors clutter free. Remove small rugs or tape down or secure them. Add grab bars in the bathroom. Have handrails and lights installed on all staircases. Make sure your home has lots of light.
If you feel unsure about your fall risk status, take this quick questionnaire to determine if you may be a candidate for physical therapy: Fall Risk questionnaire
We will be holding 15 minute Fall Risk Assessments at our Huntsville clinic on Wednesdays and our Conroe Clinic on Thursdays. Lunch included. CALL US TO SCHEDULE YOUR TIME!